Detractors of Noah Ark Discovery. Motivated by Reprobate Mind.
Reprobate mind of anti-Christ establishment, which controls media and academia, detract anything that contradicts their ungodly paradigm. Denial of evidence of Noah's ark found by Chinese and Turkish explorers claiming the rooms they found and took pictures of were "staged". How could wood be dragged up 13,000 ft to build rooms to trick people into a hoax? Incredulous accusations by "archies". Scientists are not objective but are ax grinding Darwinist scholars. Recording of Dr.Hovind on the fallacy of evolution. Near death experience
numbering in millions contradict so-called "science" paradigm, which denies the existence of spirit body and the Holy Ghost. Treatment of Noah's ark discovery by scientists is similar to bigoted reaction against Michigan tablet stones discovered at turn of century.There ate 30 separate collections found by plowing fields, digging cellars, etc in Michigan of tablets which contained imagery of Biblical scenes, crucifixion of Christ, tower of Babel, mystic
symbol (5 spikes) shared among all of the tablets) etc.,one collection by two men Soper and Savage consisting of 30,000 artifacts alone. Recording of a former atheist Howard Storm giving account of his near death experience back in 1985 in Europe where he died in hospital before being resurrected to life. Synopsis by Aaron Kim