The Aztec White God Quetzacoatl

The Book of Mormon which I have a testimony of written by Prophets by the Spirit of prophesy and revelation in the same way the Bible was written teaches that Jews sailed to the Americas around 600 BC and afterwards divided into two nations, the Nephites and Lamanites. The greatest moment in their combined history was when Jesus after his resurrection visited them after visting His Apostles in Judah. Around 400 AD, the Lamanites after years of wars finally destroyed the Nephites and are the ancestors of the American Indians. The following passage describes a deity believed by the Aztecs who bears an uncanny resemblance with Jesus.
"This mysterious personage, Quetzacoatl, was said to have been tall in stature, with a white skin, long dark hair and a flowing beard. The Mexicans looked confidently forward to the return of this person, this kind deity, and it was that tradition, deeply imbedded in their hearts, that made it possible for the Spanish under Cortez to succeed in their remarkable but disgraceful conquest of that country, for the Mexicans thought they recognized in Cortez and his followers the descendants of Quetzalcoatl. "We know by our books," said the Emperor Montezuma in the first interview he held with Cortez, "that myself and those who inhabit this country are not natives, but strangers who came from a great distance. We know, also, that the chief (the Lord God) who led our ancestors hither returned, for a certain time, to his primitive country, and thence came back to seek those who were here established, who after awhile returned again, alone. We also believed that his descendants would one day come to take possession of this country. Since you arrive from that region where the Sun rises, I cannot doubt but that the king who sends you is our natural master."
(The Contributor, Volume 9)
Labels: American Indians, Book of Mormon, Christianity, history
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