Sunday, October 23, 2011

Listening to "Whole Cities Have Been Translated" by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Whole Cities Have Been Translated
by Art Bulla

Thu, Oct 20, 2011

Discourse by Art Bulla on sweep of history, beginning with Adam's last great discourse to assembly among whose number was Enoch, who was the seventh from Adam, saith the Lord. Enoch's subsequent success among the meek of the earth, Adam's posterity, whom he gathered out to build a city called Zion, the pure in heart. Enoch's defeat of Army gathered against city, and translation of the city in which it was taken up off of the earth. After the flood, Nimrod seeing this city above them, determined to build a tower to reach it. One familiy's language not confound, led by the Lord to reach America in boats to re-populate this land after the flood. Melchizedek, who is Shem, saith the Lord, built a city called Salem, located on Mt. Moriah. Salem also translated, or taken up to be with Zion and Enoch. Prophesy of the return of these two cities in this the latter day. Jesus to return to the Jews. One Mighty and Strong is co-Messiah with Jesus, but to Ephraim and Mannessah who have been gathered out upon this land, the Land of Joseph, saith the Lord.

Daniel, chapter 7 fulfilled which prophesied of the "beast (US Gov, saith the Lord) which would "wear out the Saints (Latter-Day-Saints) of the Most High". Zion to return again to the spot it occupied before the flood. Millenial reign to be accomplished by means of two capitals, "the law from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem".



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