Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Wicked Mr. Hale Fraud Exposed 10/04 by Art Bulla | Blog Talk Radio:

The Wicked Mr. Hale Fraud Exposed
by Art Bulla
Tue, Oct 4, 2011

Self-appointed junk "scientist" aka Darwinist, Mr. Van Hale, who has professed non-belief in the Book of Mormon by calling it "a literary device" with no historicity, now, as an interloper with no authority, is pretending to be the supreme arbiter of historical truth. "By their fruits ye shall know them." There is no testimony that Mr. Hale has not rejected including my own, including the testimony of Brigham Young concerning the Adamhood of God, and the testimony of L. John Nuttall concerning the discourse before the veil. But the latest in the long train of abominations practiced by this fool, is his rejection of the testimony of an eyewitness to events, Francis Michael Darter, High Priest, and Civil Engineer, recorded in the his book published by Deseret News Publishing Co. in 1933, Zion's Redemption. This volume protests with doctrinal proofs, the naked attempt at fraud and slander of the true revelation by Heber J. Grant and the First Presidency, using one of their members, their "goto guy" James Talmadge (another believer in Darwin) to compile a "little book" titled "Latter Day Revelation" which would fool weak, foolish members of the Church. The object was to descredit the revelations which predict the rise of the One Mighty and Strong as a deliverer, and also plural marriage, by stating that these revelations fround in Doctrine and Covenants are now of "no enduring value", thus destroying the plan of salvation instituted in the heavens before the world was made which is irrevocable, saith the Lord! This attempt at fraud by rich monogamous businessmen who have hijacked the Church with their wicked ways, was put down by a revolt among the membership who refused to discard D&C 85 regarding the OMS and D&C 132 shortly after 1930, the date of the publication of the fraudlent work, which left out 95 revelations from the D&C.


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