Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Listening to "Resurrected Being Not One Mighty and Strong" by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Resurrected Being Not One Mighty and Strong
by Art Bulla
Tue, Sep 20, 2011

Doctrine taught by fundamentalists that OMS is resurrected Joseph Smith is false as per following "Revelation on Ogden Krautism" read over the air:

The Revelations of Jesus Christ

13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;

14 Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Revelation on why the One Mighty and Strong cannot be a Resurrected being as taught by men. Received May 21, 1995, Lehi, Utah.

These are strong delusions poured out upon my people in the last days because of their disobedience to my law, which keepeth my people bound in bondage and scattered, yea even in Babylon the Great, saith the Lord, in the which my people are stripped of their national power and salvation and confounded by their common enemy, which hath blinded their minds and bindeth them down with chains of darkness and confusion and false doctrines. One of these, saith the Lord, published in vain by men, is that mine anointed should be an angel. Yea even that One mighty and strong spoken of should be the resurrected being, Joaeph, whom ye revere, is a fable. ....that ye may have a sure guide, an unerring director, a rock upon which I may build my kingdom to come... he shall be the majority. For I the Lord God have a controversy with all flesh. Yea, O vain man, know ye not that angels cannot baptize, else why did not John known as the Baptist baptize Joseph and Oliver? ...whenever there is a legally constituted administrator of mine ordinances and my gospel in the flesh upon the earth, that the heavens defer, the performance of any duty connected therewith, to that legal administrator in mortality upon the earth?



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