The 1886 Revelation and Lies of Cultural Sectarian Mormons
My son John, you have asked me concerning the New and Everlasting Covenant, how far it is binding upon my people. Thus saith the Lord, All commandments that I give must be obeyed by those calling themselves by my name unless they are revoked by me or by my authority, And how can I revoke an everlasting covenant; for I the Lord am everlasting and my everlasting covenants cannot be abrogated nor done away with; but they stand forever. Have I not given my word in great plainness on this subject? Yet have not great numbers of my people been negligent in the observance of my law and the keeping of my commandments? and yet have I borne with them these many years... Nevertheless, I the Lord do not change, and my word and my law do not. And as I have heretofore said by my servant Joseph, All those who would enter into my glory must and shall obey my law, and have I not commanded men that if they were Abraham’s seed and would enter into my glory, they must do the works of Abraham? I have not revoked this law, nor will I, for it is everlasting, and those who will enter into my glory must obey the conditions thereof, even so, Amen.
‘‘Brother Penrose told me once in the city of Mexico, that he had written the manifesto, and it was gotten up so that it did not mean anything and President Smith told me the same. I mention these things only to show the training I have had from those over me.’’ Minutes of Council of Twelve Meeting concerning fellowship of the same.
‘‘A sister in Bristol, England, who was procrastinating baptism because of her lack of testimony of the truth of plural marriage, of a sudden accepted baptism, explaining that she had received an answer from God on the subject. She explained that an audible voice from the Lord said, ‘that Plural Marriage is true and was instituted from before the foundation of the world.’’’ Diary of Elder Thomas Rosser.
‘‘Upon hearing this, Brother Smith and I left, rejoicing because of the testimony she had borne to us. ...On Monday morning, the 25th of May our Conference Priesthood Meeting was held...After the preliminary exercises, President Charles W. Penrose asked if any of the brethren had any questions...I said, ‘I have heard much discussion on the Principle of Plural Marriage, some saying that it is withdrawn from the earth and that the Manifesto was a revelation from God. Dear President, what about this case?’ Then I related to him the testimony of the Sister, which is written above, and then I asked him, ‘Why should she receive this testimony if God has withdrawn that principle from the earth, and the Manifesto is a true revelation from God? ‘‘President Penrose then rose to his feet, scratched the side of his head with his right hand for a moment or so, then stretched out his right hand toward us and said: ‘Brethren, I will answer that question, if you will keep it under your hats. I, Charles W. Penrose wrote the manifesto with the assistance of Frank J.
Cannon and John White. It’s no revelation from God, for I wrote it. Wilford Woodruff signed it to beat the devil at his own game. Brethren how can God withdraw an everlasting principle from the earth? He has not, and cannot, and I testify to you as a servant of God that this is true. Is the Manifesto A Revelation?, R.C. Newson, 7-8. (taken from Keys of the Priesthood Illustrated; Lynn. L. and Stephen L. Bishop, p.204.)
I, Art Bulla, testify that the Holy Ghost has borne unto me that the foregoing testimonies are true.
The Manifesto(This is what the Mormons are told by their corrupt leadership is the "revelation from God" suspending polygamy.)Reading the manifesto shows that it is manifestly from man, not from God, as proven by the language contained therein: To Whom It May Concern: (Would an Omnipotent Deity speak thus?) "Press dispatches having been sent for political purposes, from Salt Lake City, which have been widely published, to the effect that the Utah Commission in their recent report to the Secretary of the Interior, allege that plural marriages are still being solemnized and that 40 or more such marriages have been contracted in Utah since last June or during the past year, also that in public discourses the leaders of the Church have taught, encouraged and urged the continuance of the practice of polygamy- I, therefor, as President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints, do hereby, in the most solemn manner declare that these charges are false. We are not teaching polygamy or plural marriage, nor permitting any person to enter into this practice...’’ ‘‘But this much I know from the lips of my Aunt Nellie. She was going to her work at the temple one morning, right after this new declaration on plural marriage that they issued, I think in 1933; and I believe it was when J. Reuben Clark first came into the Presidency-about that time--denouncing this thing anew. And she met Joseph Fielding Smith, and they stopped and chatted a few minutes, and she said, ‘Brother Smith, I’m very much surprised at that statement in the paper this morning.’ And he said, ‘How so, Sister Taylor?’ Heber J. Grant’s carefully worded denial that Frank and Nellie Taylor were referring: ‘‘It is alleged that on Sept. 26, 1886, President John Taylor received a revelation from the Lord, the purported text of which is given in a publication circulated apparently by or at the instance of this same organization. As to this pretended revelation it should be said that the archives contain no record of any such revelation, nor any evidence justifying a belief that any such revelation, nor any evidence justifying a belief that any such revelation was ever given.
Minutes of the Church Trial of John W. Taylor: ‘‘The date of this Revelation is Sept. 1886, four years before the Manifesto of President Woodruff and I remember at that time that President Taylor and all his brethren were very strongly entrenched in the principle of plural marriage. From 1880-1890 men were almost commanded to enter it, especially the officials of the Church...’’ Published Minutes of John W. Taylor’s Church Trial.
Quote from John Taylor:
John Taylor's watch was struck with a ball
which saved his life,
fired in Carthage Jail when he and others were
attacked by the mob that killed Joseph Smith.
‘‘God has given me a revelation in regard to celestial marriage, I did not make it...Yet they would like us to tone that principle down, and change it, and make it applicable to the views of the day. Yet they would like us to tone that principle down, and change it, and make it applicable to the views of the day.’’ This we cannot do, nor can we interfere with any of the commandments of god to meet the persuasions and behest of men. I cannot do it and will not do it. I find some men trying to twist round the principle in any way and every way they can. They want to sneak out of it in some way. Now, God doesn’t want any sycophancy like that. He expects us to be true to Him and the principles he has delivered, and to feel as Job did, ‘Though he slay me, yet will I trust him.’ ...These are our feelings in relation to this matter. We have been told that, ‘It is not meet that men who will not abide my law shall preside over my priesthood’, and yet some people would like very much to do it. Well they cannot do it. If God has introduced something for our glory and exaltation, we are not going to have that kicked over by improper influences), neither inside or outside of the Church of the living God.’’ John Taylor, JD 25:309.
‘‘They’’ now hold the balance of power in the Church, saith the Lord, for ‘‘they’’ are still changing the principles to apply them to the ‘‘views of the day’’, which ‘‘they’’ have the temerity to call ‘‘progressive revelation’’! What is ‘‘progressive’’ about being damned and cut off, I ask?
The Revelations of Jesus Christ:
- "But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are indebted to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God has spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Two 1834-37 Pg.60
- Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Six 1843-44 Pg.365
When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet. - Our website:
- "All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchizedek, which is after the order of the Son of God." Joseph Smith; TPJS p. 376
- "He that can mark the power of Omnipotence, inscribed upon the heavens, can also see God's own handwriting in the sacred volume: and he who reads it oftenest will like it best, and he who is acquainted with it, will know the hand wherever he can see it...." (T.P.J.S., p. 56)
· 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (New Testament | Galatians 1:10 - 12)
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