Raised from the Dead in 1891 and NDE of Ella Jensen Prove Gentiles Have no Knowledge of the Issues of Life, Death and Salvation, Saith the Lord
Art Bulla
Raised from the Dead in 1891 and NDE of Ella Jensen Prove Gentiles Have no Knowledge of the Issues of Life, Death and Salvation, Saith the Lord
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This story, true in every particular, shows the fulfillment of a prophecy made upon the head of Lorenzo Snow when he received a patriarchal blessing under the hands of the Prophet's father, Joseph Smith, Senior. It was given in the Kirtland Temple, and among other things were these promises: "Thou shalt become a mighty man. Thy faith shall increase and grow stronger until it become like Peter's. Thou shalt restore the sick; the diseased shall send to thee their aprons and handkerchiefs, and by thy touch their owners shall be made whole. The dead shall arise and come forth at thy bidding." It was March 3, 1891, and for several long weeks Ella Jensen, a young girl of 19 at Brigham City, Utah, had lingered, almost between life and death, with Scarlet Fever. Leah Rees, her girlfriend, was serving her as night nurse, and it was about three or four o'clock in the morning, when, as Leah reports it, "I was suddenly awakened by Ella calling me to get the comb, brush and scissors. She explained that she wanted to brush her hair and trim her finger nails, and get all ready, `For,' said she, `they are coming to get me at ten o'clock this morning.' "I asked who was coming to get her." "`Uncle Hans Jensen and the messengers,' she replied. `I am going to die and they are coming at ten o'clock to get me and take me away.'"
The full account was read over the air. This true incident proves the Gentiles have no ken or ability to judge anything pertaining to mortality, including politics, and they ought to place their hands over their mouths, saith the Lord, and crouch in the dust and cry “Unclean! Unclean!”. For the politics of the left is shaped and driven by crimes against nature, and sexual depravity, justified by a false belief in evolution, saith the Lord. Therefore hearken unto me and give listen to mine anointed son, even Art Bulla, who is that one who should come. Even so. Amen.
The Full Account:
Raised From the Dead
I maintain that the legal administrators which are ordained Priests after the Order of Melchizedec, are the only ones competent to unfold the true history and meaning of life upon this world. They alone hold the keys of the knowledge of the science of theology, which science is a complete body of knowledge regarding the physical and spiritual worlds, which are governed by laws and principles and ordinances, the physical based upon the laws of physics and mathematics which are immutable and unchanging, and the spiritual, laws and principles which are equally immutable and eternal.
D&C 76:56
56 They are they who are priests and kings, who have received of his fulness, and of his glory;
D&C 76:57
57 And are priests of the Most High, after the order of Melchizedek, which was after the order of Enoch, which was after the order of the Only Begotten Son.
And without this Priesthood, men are in the dark regarding their existence. As evidence, I present the following testimony of one Ella Jensen, who died of scarlet fever in 1891 and whose story was published in 1929, who was subsequently reanimated and explained what she saw while dead. This of course was written long before this phenomenom has been popularized by Elizabeth Kubler Ross who published On Death and Dying in 1969.
"Raised from the Dead"
(Condensed from Sept.-Oct., 1929, issues of The Improvement Era, 32:883;
also Y.W. Journal 4:164. Compare with Life of Lorenzo Snow, p. 406.)
This story, true in every particular, shows the fulfillment of a prophecy
made upon the head of Lorenzo Snow when he received a patriarchal blessing
under the hands of the Prophet's father, Joseph Smith, Senior. It was
given in the Kirtland Temple, and among other things were these promises:
"Thou shalt become a mighty man. Thy faith shall increase and grow
stronger until it shall become like Peter's. Thou shalt restore the sick; the
diseased shall send to thee their aprons and handkerchiefs, and by thy touch
their owners shall be made whole. The dead shall arise and come forth at thy
It was March 3, 1891, and for several long weeks Ella Jensen, a young
girl of 19 at Brigham City, Utah, had lingered, almost between life and death,
with Scarlet Fever. Leah Rees, her girlfriend, was serving her as night nurse,
and it was about three or four o'clock in the morning, when, as Leah reports
it, "I was suddenly awakened by Ella calling me to get the comb, brush and
scissors. She explained that she wanted to brush her hair and trim her finger
nails, and get all ready, `For,' said she, `they are coming to get me at ten
o'clock this morning.'
"I asked who was coming to get her."
"`Uncle Hans Jensen and the messengers,' she replied. `I am going to die
and they are coming at ten o'clock to get me and take me away.'"
"I tried to quiet her, saying that she would feel better in the morning
if she would try to sleep."
"`No,' she said, `I am not going to sleep any more, but I am going to
spend all the time getting ready.'"
"She insisted that I get the comb, hairbrush and scissors, which I did,
but she was so weak that she could not use them. As I was brushing her hair,
she asked me to call her parents. I explained that they were tired and asleep
and that it would be better not to disturb them."
"`Yes,' insisted Ella, `you must call them. I want to tell them now.'"
"The parents were called, and as they entered the room, the daughter told
them that her Uncle Hans, who was dead, had suddenly appeared in the room,
while she was awake with her eyes open, and had told her that messengers would
be there at ten o'clock to conduct her into the spirit world. The father and
mother feared that the girl was delirious and tried to get her to be quiet and
[117] go to sleep. She knew their thoughts and said, `I know what I am talking
about. No, I am not going to sleep anymore. I know I am going to die, and that
they are coming to get me.'"
Ella, realizing the end was very near, summoned each one of her family to
kiss and bid them goodbye. She called each one by name as they came to the
bedside. But her brother Budd was out and had not returned. As it drew toward
ten o'clock, she felt she could not go until she had seen him. She was gasping
for breath and exerting all her strength to hold on until Budd got back.
Grandma Jensen arrived, and just as Ella had embraced and kissed her, Budd
came in with Mrs. Nelson. Ella threw her arms around her brother's neck,
kissed him, and then fell back on her pillow--dead. It was just ten o'clock.
Ella's father left at once to report to President Snow and consult him
regarding arrangements for the funeral. Sister Nelson washed and laid Ella
out, dressed her in clean linen, and Budd took the doctor back home, who had
been called in this emergency. Meanwhile, news of her death spread about.
It was towards noon when Jacob Jensen, Ella's father, reported to
President Snow at the tabernacle service, because it was more than a mile to
town and he had to hitch up the horse to drive there. They returned together
with Rudger Clawson, who was then the President of the Box Elder Stake.
After standing at Ella's bedside for a minute or two, President Snow
asked if there were any consecrated oil in the house. All were greatly
surprised, but the oil was secured for him. He handed the bottle of oil to
Brother Clawson and asked him to anoint Ella, after which Brother Snow
confirmed the anointing.
Particularly impressive among others, were these words that he used,
"Dear Ella, I command you, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to come back
and live. Your mission is not ended." His voice was very commanding, "Come
back, Ella, come back! Your work upon the earth is not yet completed. Come
back! You shall yet live to perform a great mission."
[118] Ella remained in her dead condition for more than an hour after
President Snow administered to her, or more than three hours in all after she
had died. Her mother and father were sitting there watching by the bedside,
when all at once she opened her eyes, looked about the room, and saw them
sitting there.
But she still looked for someone else, and the first thing she said was,
"Where is he? Where is he?"
"Where is who?"
"Why, Brother Snow," she replied. "He called me back."
They explained to her that Brother Snow and Brother Clawson were very
busy and could not remain, and that they had gone.
Ella then dropped her head back on her pillow, saying, "Why did he call
me back? I was so happy and did not want to come back."
Then Ella Jensen began to relate her marvelous experiences; marvelous
both as to the incidents themselves, and as to the great number of them that
occurred in the short space of time between three and four hours. And
furthermore, the very nature of these incidents prove that she was telling
nothing but the truth.
"At ten o'clock my spirit left my body," related Ella. "It took me
sometime to make up my mind to go, as I could hear and see the folks crying
and mourning over me. It was very hard to me to leave them, but as soon as I
had a glimpse of the other world, I was anxious to go, and all the care and
worry left me.
"I entered a large hall. It was so long that I could not see the end of
it. It was filled with people. As I was conducted through the throng, the
first person I recognized was my Grandpa H. P. Jensen, who was sitting in one
end of the room writing. He looked up and seemed surprised to see me. He said,
"Why! There is my granddaughter, Ella!"
"He was very much pleased, greeted me and, as he continued with his
writing, I passed on through the room and met a great many of my relatives and
friends. It was like going along the crowded street of a large city where you
meet many people, only a very few of whom you recognize.
[119] "The next one I knew was Uncle Hans Jensen with his wife, Mary Ellen.
They had two small children with them. On inquiring who they were, he told me
one was his own and the other was Uncle Will's little girl.
"Some seemed to be in family groups. As there were only a few whom I
could recognize and who knew me, I kept moving on. Some inquired about their
friends and relatives on the earth. Among the number was my cousin. He asked
me how the folks were getting along and said it grieved him to hear that some
of the boys were using tobacco, liquor, and many things that were injurious to
"This proved to me that the people in the other world know to a great
extent what happens here on the earth.
"The people were all dressed in white or cream, excepting Uncle Hans
Jensen, who (for this occasion) had on his dark clothes and long rubber
boots--the things he wore when he was drowned in the Snake River in Idaho.
"Everybody appeared to be perfectly happy. I was having a very pleasant
visit with each one that I knew. Finally, I reached the end of that long room.
I opened a door and went into another room filled with children. They were all
arranged in perfect order, the largest ones in the back rows all around the
room. They seemed to be convened in a sort of Primary or Sunday School, which
was presided over by Aunt Eliza R. Snow. There were hundreds of small children
"It was," continued Ella, "while I was standing listening to the children
singing, `Gladly Meeting, Kindly Greeting,' that I heard President Lorenzo
Snow call me. He said, `Sister Ella, you must come back, as your mission is
not yet finished here on earth.' So I just spoke to Aunt Eliza R. Snow and
told her that I must go back.
"Returning through the large room, I told the people I was going back to
the earth, but they seemed to want me to stay with them. I obeyed the call,
although it was very much against my desire, as such perfect peace and
happiness prevailed there--no suffering and no sorrow. I was so taken up with
all I saw and heard that I did hate very much to leave that beautiful place.
[120] "This has always been a source of comfort to me. I learned by this
experience that we should not grieve too much for our departed loved ones, and
especially at the time they leave us. I think we should be just as calm and
quiet as possible, because, as I was leaving my mortal life, the only regret I
had was that the folks were grieving so much for me. But I soon forgot all
about this world in my delight with the other.
"For more than three hours my spirit was gone from my body. As I
returned, I could see my body lying on the bed and the folks gathered about in
the room. I wanted to stay only a short time on earth to comfort them."
Ella frequently told of the terrible suffering that she experienced when
the spirit again entered the body. There was practically no pain on leaving
the body in death, but the intense pain was almost unbearable in coming back
to life. Not only this, but for months, and even years afterward, she
experienced new aches and pains and physical disorders that she had never
known before.
Some of the people Ella described as having met in this spirit sojourn
were her aunts and second cousins, long since dead and laid away before she
was born. She told her Aunt Harriet Wight, who had lost two daughters, not to
mourn them, for she had seen them and had talked with them, and they were very
happy in their new sphere of existence.
Many relatives and others visited Ella, and she told them the same
story--of how she had met their relatives and friends over there, how happy
they were, and that they had asked about their loved ones here.
When Leah Rees, her night nurse, came to stay with Ella the next night,
she told her about having seen her (Leah's) father and several others of her
people who had passed away, as well as her own Grandpa Jensen--all of whom
appeared very happy.
One person Ella was puzzled about seeing in the spirit world was little
Alphie, the son of Alphonzo H. Snow. He had been in her Sunday School class in
the First Ward, and she did not know that he had just died. When she told her
mother, she said, "Yes, Ella, little Alphie is [121] dead, too. He died early
this morning while you were so very sick. We knew you loved him and that it
would be a shock to you, so we did not tell you about his death." But,
nevertheless, she had recognized the little fellow happily singing among the
children under the direction of Eliza R. Snow.
It was while sitting there listening to those children that she heard a
voice coming to her in commanding tones, apparently from a long distance,
which said, "Come back, Ella, come back! Your work on earth is not yet
completed." And, although she had no desire to come back, but on the contrary,
felt determined to remain in that beautiful world, the voice was so
authoritative in manner that it seemed to draw, yes, actually draw her spirit
out of that room and back to her body. She felt compelled to follow it and
return to earth, where she filled to the fullness, her life's mission on
earth, becoming a mother in Israel, and doing much for the glory of God and
her own exaltation in the service of the Lord. She is now known as Mrs. Henry
Wight of Brigham City, Utah.
The Revelations of Jesus Christ: http://bookstore.iuniverse.com/Products/SKU-000020307/The-Revelations-of-Jesus-Christ.aspx
- "But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are indebted to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God has spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Two 1834-37 Pg.60
- Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Six 1843-44 Pg.365
When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet. - Our website: http://www.artbulla.com
- "All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchizedek, which is after the order of the Son of God." Joseph Smith; TPJS p. 376
- "He that can mark the power of Omnipotence, inscribed upon the heavens, can also see God's own handwriting in the sacred volume: and he who reads it oftenest will like it best, and he who is acquainted with it, will know the hand wherever he can see it...." (T.P.J.S., p. 56)
· 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (New Testament | Galatians 1:10 - 12)
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