Sunday, August 17, 2014

Future Destruction of Ham Upon the American Continent

Not "unarmed black teenager" but strong-armed black 6'4" teenage thug like another good angel ( don't you know? Even one Trevon Martin who attacked George Zimmerman and went for his gun also.  This is a black lynch mob in Ferguson, similar to many other black mobs. They want to murder this innocent policeman.  I know it and this is the second skirmish in the declared (by themselves-"no justice (translation, lynching) no peace". These villains should be destroyed like Israel is doing to a like evil in Gaza, saith the Lord.


24 For the land is mine, saith the Lord, and I give it to whomsoever I will, and I take it from whomsoever possessed it before to their destruction, even in these things, saith the Lord God of Israel.

25 And it is my command unto thee, O Israel, that thy armies destroy the sons of Cain, even them who be called the blacks and them who are rednecks upon this Land even as Joshua destroyed them who possessed the chosen land even that ye root them from my Land, saith the Lord God of Israel that my Land be no more polluted and the inheritance of mine anointed be no more polluted, and I the Lord God shall go before thee and shall be to thy rearward, and none shall have power to stay thee, O Israel, for the might thereof shall shake the earth from the cries of my young men, yea my warriors in Israel, mighty in battle, even as David and Joshua of old, and this promise I the Lord given unto thee, my people, there is no blade that is formed that shall prosper against thee, for I the Lord God am mighty to thy deliverance. The Revelations of Jesus Christ, Section 17.


The Revelations of Jesus Christ






  Prophecy concerning the destruction of the descendants of Ham (the Negro) upon this the American continent by racial conflict.  Warned to flee to land of fathers.  Boundaries and habitations of men de­termined before foundation of the world, with respective blessings and cursings thereunto.  Africa set apart and reserved unto  Ham  and  posterity  for­ever by  Noah. America reserved for Ephraim and Manessah of the House of Israel.  Men, by unrighteous decrees, try to abrogate decrees of Most High  concerning  the nations and their inheritances.  Received April, 1981, Greensboro, N.C.




hus saith the Lord unto my servant James, it is my will concerning thee that thou and thy family prepare to make a journey back unto the land of your fathers, even that of Ham and Egyptus from whom the African tribe or nations spring.

2 In this will I the Lord thy God bless thee, and a great Nation will I cause to arise from thee, and thy name shall be had in re­membrance from gen­eration to generation because of thy faith in me, the Son of God, even Jesus of Nazereth.

3 Even so will I bless thee in these things but there are boundaries which have been set by the Father concerning the na­tions;

 4 For unto each nation there are blessings and there are cursings, and these are from times of old, saith the Lord, which have not been abro­gated in the least by the foolish vagaries and no­tions of mankind in their wisdom in the which they have arrogated unto themselves edicts which are con­trary to the covenants which I the Lord God have made with their fathers, even Noah,
Shem, who is Melchizedec, Ham, Eber, Japeth, and Abraham, my chosen.

5 Even so, thou shallt be blessed in these things, for I the Lord thy God have spoken it  that  thou  mayest  remain  with thy family after the great tribulation which is coming upon all nations of the earth, in the which a marvelous change shall be wrought.

6 And thou art called of me and chosen to raise a warning voice unto the inhabitants round about, yea even among thy brethren, even the sons of Ham, thy father, concerning the wrath of God which is to come, that thou and they mayest es­cape that which is to come which is the destruc­tion of thy people by the hands of the wicked among the Gentiles.

7 And thou shallt be made like unto a prophet, even in these things, for I will make thee mighty in word and deed unto the confounding of false doc­trines which exist among thy people at this time.

8 And even so, these things re­main in me and is wisdom in me that these things should be, that thou and thy kindred be no more strangers in a strange land, and even tempest tossed and trou­bled in spirit, for this is not thy land, even of thy fathers, saith the Lord God of Israel.

9 But it is my will that thou and they return unto the land which was dedicated unto thy fathers by the hand of my servant Noah in that day, saith the Lord, even Africa, Africa, which land is blessed for your sakes.

10 And it is that liberals seek to curse thee in these things for they care not for thee and they know not the Law.

11 For this land shall be forever cursed unto the lineage of Ham, for this land, choice above all other lands wast reserved from before the founda­tion of the world for Joseph and his poste­rity, even Ephraim, and lo! Manessah forever and ever.

12 And the way shall be opened up by me that thou and thy breth­ren mayest accomplish these
things, even as the way was opened for Noah.

13 But this land, even America, shall be filled with vapor and fire of smoke in the destruction of the inhabitants thereof, except for Zion, which shall be wrought out upon the face thereof, even upon this land.

14 Therefor thou art called of me and shall be given power of me to proclaim these things even upon the housetops.

15 And this commandment I give unto thee that thou shouldest publish these things among thy brethren that perhaps a few might be saved, even in these things.

16 And thou shallt be called blessed, even in these things, if thou art faithful, for thou art be­loved of me because of thy hu­mil­ity and thy faith in me.

17 Therefore go to and receive of mine anointing and blessing even in these things that thou mayest escape that which is to come which is the destruc­tion of thy people upon this land and the de­struc­tion of the wicked among the Gentiles at the hand of the wicked among thy brethren.

18 For this land have I the Lord God reserved unto my people Israel who are of the loins of Joseph, even Ephraim and Manessah.

19 For I the Lord thy God am no respecter of per­sons and reward unto each nation according to his righteousness before me from be­fore the founda­tion of the world.

20 For the nations and their boundaries and re­spective curs­ings and blessing were decided in the Council of the Sons of the Gods before the world was made and this according to that war which occurred in heaven before the world was in the which the spirits of mankind did fight against Lucifer and his angels who were their brethren, but who were cast out and denied mortal bodies or tabernacles upon the earth which was created physi­cally for this purpose.

21 And thus they seek to take possession of that which they cannot possess by taking over the tab­
ernacle of the faithful of the sons of God who were not cast out by making war and encom­passing them round about.

22 For I am Jesus Christ, and am the Firstborn of all the spirits of my Father, even Adam, and am also the Only Begotten in the flesh of my Father, even that Ancient of Days.

23 And these things the world understood not be­cause of their wickedness in the day of their visi­tation in the which I spake and moved among them in the might of my power, saith the Lord.

24 For I the Lord God came unto mine own, even the Jews, and mine own knew me not, neither have they known my Father, who also hast  flesh and bones, even as I.

25 And the knowledge of these things wast had by Noah and Ham and Melchizedec, but have been lost among men because of their education and their igno­rance of the truth and their stiff­neckedness and rebellion before me, in the which I the Lord God shall destroy them, for they are re­pugnant: with my legions who are even now pre­paring for the slaughter.

26 But if they repent and come unto me, they shall receive all that my Father hath and this ac­cording to the laws which were instituted for the same from bef­ore the foundation of the world.

27 Therefor flee, my son, to the land of thy fa­thers and I the Lord thy God shall provide for thee in these things and the way shall be opened up for thee, for this is thy life’s mission unto which thou wast foreordained in the councils of heaven before the world was made, that thou mayest be a Sav­iour unto thy people, for thou shallt lead them back unto that land which I have given unto their fathers forever.

28 And if they hearken not, they shall be de­stroyed from this land.

29 And thou shallt prosper even in these things.

30 But if thou doest them not there remainest a scourge rather than a blessing, and how few among men have hearkened unto my voice be­cause of their com­fort, and thus they perish with the devil and his angels, for I the Lord God shall not be mocked.

31 Even so, Amen.




  • The Revelations of Jesus Christ:
  • "But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are indebted to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God has spoken and how much He has not spoken?"  Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Two 1834-37 Pg.60
  •  Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Six 1843-44 Pg.365
       When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet.
  •  Our website:
  •  "All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchizedek, which is after the order of the Son of God."  Joseph Smith; TPJS p. 376
  • "He that can mark the power of Omnipotence, inscribed upon the heavens, can also see God's own handwriting in the sacred volume: and he who reads it oftenest will like it best, and he who is acquainted with it, will know the hand wherever he can see it...." (T.P.J.S., p. 56)

·         10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (New Testament | Galatians 1:10 - 12)



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