Sunday, March 11, 2012

Listening to "Revelation on Ogden Krautism " by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Revelation on Ogden Krautism
by Art Bulla

Thu, Mar 8, 2012

Revelation on Ogden Krautism

Ogden Kraut shown to be an Elias for The One Mighty and Strong. His mission, saith the Lord, was to detect and preserve true doctrine so it would not be destroyed in the revisionism going on due to the influx of liberalism, known in the Scriptures as "the precepts of men". This apostasy from within from an internal clique of apostates masquerading themselves as sheep, but who are in reality wolves in sheep's clothing. Things were further complicated by the fact that Ogden became deceived concerning the doctrine of The One Mighty and Strong as taught by Bishop Koyle, who taught that the One Mighty and Strong should be a resurrected personage, even Joseph Smith. "Revelation on Ogden Krautism" read giving from the Lord a severe rebuke to the fundamentalists who have also been duped into believing this false doctrine. Mr. Hale shown to be a ringleader of the apostate clique aforementioned.



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