Saturday, July 23, 2011

Listening to "Eusebius Seventy and Order of Succession" by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Eusebius, Seventy and Order of Succession
by Art Bulla
Thu, Jul 21, 2011

From Eusebius (Circa 300AD):

Chapter XII. The Disciples of Our Saviour.

1 The names of the apostles of our Saviour are known to every one from the Gospels. But there exists no catalogue of the seventy disciples. Barnabas, indeed, is said to have been one of them, of whom the Acts of the apostles makes mention in various places...

2 They say that Sosthenes also, who wrote to the Corinthians with Paul, was one of them. This is the account of Clement in the fifthbook of his Hypotyposes, in which he also says that Cephas was one of the seventy disciples, a man who bore the same name as the apostle Peter, and the one concerning whom Paul says, "When Cephas came to Antioch I withstood him to his face."

3 Matthias, also, who was numbered with the apostles in the place of Judas, and the one who was honored by being made a candidate with him, are like-wise said to have been deemed worthy of the same calling with the seventy. They say that Thaddeus also was one of them, concerning whom I shall presently relate an account which has come down to us. And upon examination you will find that our Saviour had more than seventy disciples, according to the testimony of Paul, who says that after his resurrection from the dead he appeared first to Cephas, then to the twelve, and after them to above five hundred brethren at once (seven Quorums of Seventy and 11 of the Twelve)...

My line of authority as an Apostle.

Correct order of succession: "It is the duty of the [Twelve] to call upon the Seventy, when they need assistance, to fill the several calls for preaching and administering the gospel, instead of any others."
(D&C 107:38)

Brigham Young never odained a High Priest.



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