Original Air Date: August 29, 2010
My Greatest Discourse
Contend for the faith "once delivered" to the Ancients. The same gospel which saved Abraham must save us. "Keep the change" but give me the everlasting truth which does not change to suit the vagaries and foolish traditions and manipulations of mankind. "A key: That which is eternal is of God, and that which is not is of the devil." Joseph Smith. The gospel of the Ancients had power, enough power to turn rivers out of their course, and to translate two whole cities (Salem and Zion before the flood) and catch them along with their inhabitants into heaven. Any change (progress, progressiveism is of the devil, saith the Lord) which deviates from this glory is of that being (the devil) who possesses no glory, but leads to death. Gospel produces life and one cannot overdo life. "I am come that they might have life and that more abundantly". What is better than not tasting of death, but being translated as anciently? Progressive-ism be damned! Journal of Wilford Woodruff, September 17, 1854: "...Brother Pratt also thought that Adam was made of the dust of the earth; could not believe that Adam was our God or the Father of Jesus Christ. President Young said that He was, that He came from another world and made this, brought Eve with him, partook of the fruits of the earth, begat children and they were earthly and had mortal bodies. And if we were faithful, we should become Gods as He was. He told Brother Pratt to lay aside his philosophical reasoning, and get revelation from God to govern him and enlighten his mind more, and it would be a great blessing to lay aside his books and go into the canyons as some of the rest of us were doing and it would be better for him. He said his philoso¬phy injured him in a measure. Many good things were said by President Young—that we should grow up in revelation so that principle would govern every act of our lives. He had never found any difficulty in leading this people since Joseph’s death."
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