Friday, June 1, 2012

Listening to "Transparent as Hell-Designs of the Devil through Anti-Christ" by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Transparent as Hell-Designs of the Devil through Anti-Christ
by Art Bulla

Sun, May 27, 2012

Strategems of the devil in trying to overthrow testimony of Brigham Young, who uses a certain antiChrist (cultural Mormon) to attempt to "drive a wedge" between Joseph and Brigham on the matter of eternity of intelligences and spirits. Intelligences of spirits is eternal, being clothed with a spirit body by a "Father of Spirits" (see Hebrews, chapters 1 and 9) and a Mother of Spirits, which spirit is then clad in a body of flesh and bones by an earthly mother and father during the second estate of the intelligence, again, which is eternal. This antiChrist wrongfully asserts that Joseph taught that spirits were eternal and Brigham Young taught spirits were begotten by a father and mother (correct view, saith the Lord). BH Roberts quoted to clear up the matter. Also Eliza R. Snow in the hym, "O My Father":

O my Father, thou that dwellest
In the high and glorious place,
When shall I regain thy presence,
And again behold thy face?
In thy holy habitation,
Did my spirit once reside?
In my first primeval childhood,
Was I nurtured near thy side?

"I am dwelling on the immortality of the spirit of man. Is it logolical to say that the intelligence of spirits is immortal, and yet that it (i. e. the intelligence) had a beginning. The intelligence of spirits had no beginning, neither will it have an end. That is good logic. That which has a beginning may have an end. There never was a time when there were no spirits, for they are co-equal (co-eternal) with our Father in heaven. Joseph Smith-(Mill. Star, Vol. 23, p. 262.)

This plainly shows that there is no conflict between Brigham and Joseph on this matter.



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