Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Listening to

Music of the Spheres
by Art Bulla
Tue, Jan 31, 2012unfollowh:3513

Sir Isaac Newton spent most of his life studying the Bible, more particularly the book of Daniel, in which numerology studies, he accurately predicted the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948, the return of the Jews. But it is in his scientific studies and Einstein's that true science is demonstrated. Both of these premier "scientists" were looking for harmony in the universe, not diversity, characteristic of "anti-scientists" who believe in evolution. For instance, Einstein was looking for the unified field theory uniting in one equation a relation between gravitational, electrical, and magnetic fields. Sir Isaac Newton on the other hand and equally as impressive invented calculus to be able to describe mathematically the orbits of the planets. He was looking for the underlying "Music of the Spheres". Modern antichrists on the other hand, pretend to be looking for diversity when their intent is to destroy unity and harmony as all devils do.

Art Bulla relates marvelous vision and other miraculous phenomena associated with his conversion, not the least of which was the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost and baptism, which effectuated the second birth.


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