Friday, April 8, 2011

Listening to "My Story" 04/07 by Art Bulla | Blog Talk Radio

Father prayed a "servant of the Lord" be born unto him. Devil tried to destroy me the day before I was born. When leaving home for last time, Holy Ghost came upon me while walking on the road at night on the way to the bus station to be inducted into armed services (AFEES, Raleigh, NC). Caught up to see and hear unutterable things in the presence of glory and honor and might. After baptism, audible voice spoke confounding sargents of the Army, standing in front of me. Angel picks up Green Beret Sargent and confounds him while I was preaching. In 1979, began receiving written revelations. Commanded by Lord to take first two to hometeacher, who tried to destroy me, while shouting "You have the spirit of the devil!" over and over again. Lord said they have treated his servants the prophets in just such a manner in all ages of the world. Had been ordained to the Apostleship in May of 1974. Keys of the Kingdom of God wrested from the Mormons thereby. Held by that One Mighty and Strong who should come. Praised be his holy name. Amen


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