Monday, February 21, 2011

Listening to "Leaders of Mormons Live Deliciously with Babylon the Great" hosted by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Original Air Date: February 20, 2011
Leaders of Mormons Live Deliciously with Babylon the Great

Call from Bob Edwards. Severed from the ordinances for blasphemy and open rebellion. "Young age" of Daniel objection by antiChrists as an explanation of startling accuracy of prophecies overcome. David O McKay attempted to get Church back on track after travesties of Heber J. Grant, but prevented in redoing ordinances done under improper authority by some of the Twelve. Revelations of Jesus Christ read pertaining to being allied with Babylon (living deliciously). Section 2: 129-132, Revelations of Jesus Christ: 129 For did I the Lord God not speak through the mouth of my servant as he known among men, Ezekial, that if the Prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, that I may take the House of Israel in their own heart, saith the Lord, because they are all estranged from me through their idols, in the which they do live, saith the Lord, deliciously with Babylon the Great, and seek even the praise and honor of the world? 130 And this is recorded in the 14th Chapter of the Book of Ezekiel, the ninth verse.For did I the Lord God not also grant unto Israel, through Samuel, my servant, who saw much affliction because of the wickedness of the Children of Israel in his days, that they also should have a king like unto other nations, which wast the desires of their hearts? 131 And did this also not prove to be a snare and a curse unto them, for how oft was Israel led astray through the wickedness of her kings? 132 And did not Utah, saith the Lord, desire to become a state like unto all other states, and for this cause ye did forsake my law, even that of Abraham, O ye Latter-Day-Saints, yea, even that which ye, O ye Gentiles call polygamy, even as Israel hath forsaken my statutes and my judgments in all ages of the world and have even gone whoring after strange gods?



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