Why I am That One Who Should Come
Original Air Date: December 09, 2010
Why I am That One Who Should Come

The way that I am going to say the words that I speak is very important, in that many are the misconceptions about a prophet, what he looks like, talks like, don't the people in general recognize the Lord's annointed by the way he appears, the way he carries himself? Joseph Smith's grandfather said of him, "he writes like a prophet." Paul, we understand, was of short stature, about five foot two, and bandy or bowlegged, and had a hawkish Roman or Jewish nose, but eyes which pierced through to eternity. I have seen as Paul, for I too have "come to visions and revelations of the Lord" for I could not tell if I was in my body or out when I conversed with (words fail) him face to face quickened by such power the tongue cleaves to the roof of the mouth and stops for the inadequacy. Joseph was and is a true prophet, for a short time after my first vision, I was given a copy of the book which he translated. I bear record, and get over it if you can, that I have seen and heard for myself, and have been sent as Joseph prophesied that I would come, having the keys of the Priesthood by lineage and by right, being accounted a direct descendant by blood of the kingdom, being a direct descendant of David, given from before the foundation of the world as a king and a priest as a witness, for I have seen and I have heard things which are truely beyond the power of mere words to express, while in the spirit, for the things of God "knoweth no man, but by the Spirit of God".
I have received a complete volume of scripture for this generation, as others (Isaiah, Samuel, Joseph, Ezekial, Nephi, etc.) have for theirs. I testify boldly it is the truth, for I have received it from God, and as Paul "preached the gosple" with much contention, even so I am not afraid of a little contention also, for the warfare, has it not been transferred to the earth, and only the "best men bring forth the best works"? I fear nothing, except the might and power of the Being who spoke unto me in the vision, which was of such power that I spoke with him in a tongue which was at once more magnificent in its command of the things of the spirit and the intelligence of of light and truth than English with its lack of vocabulary can express, and I shall forever adore his presence, and my bones truely quake at the power manifested when I receive even now revelations from him, for he is a God of glory as Moses exclaimed, "Where is thy glory that I should worship thee, depart from me, for where is thy glory, Satan, that I should worship thee? For except I were quickened by his power, I should have withered in his presence." And my natural eyes could not have beheld, and my life has hung in the balance many times, as Paul said, "why stand we in jeapordy every hour, if there be no resurrection?" And as Joseph my brother whom I love more than my life, for with such brethren we could have taken the world from the despots of the enemies of the dispersed of Israel, for the God of Israel, saith the Lord, is he not a God of battles? I have seen that Jesus was a warrior of the first rank, and as Joseph was chased like a hart upon the mountains by the world with hell at its back, even so have I, Art Bulla, and I lie not, for since my first vision, all hell has been stirred up against me but I have been delivered from them all, that I might sing my song, and publish salvation upon the mountains as prophesied, for I testify that God, the God of Isaiah lives, for I have seen him and tasted of such might, brilliance and power and honor and intelligence the tongue cannot express it, for was I not removed out of this tabernacle and taken up with him for a glorious space and I beheld?

And as Paul was led to Ananias to receive baptism, even so was I led by my God to the Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ, for as there was a controversy embroiling men of intelligence and sagacity of the time on the subject of religion, whether God should be worshipped in Jerusalem in the Temple, or on top of a mountain in Samaria, for they were of Ephraim and did they not have the birthright? But Jesus, the Lord's (for the Lord said unto my Lord, sit thou upon my right hand, until I have made my enemies thy footstool) annointed son, but only firstborn among many brethren, as I also, have been with him from the beginning so testify, salvation cometh of the Jews, even so I say, salvation cometh, (and there is a second death) and I say it boldly with all the world opposing me, salvation did come by the Latter- Day-Saints, for I received baptism, by entering through the gate which is truely straight and narrow and the next day being filled with such might and joy and power I went boldly forth among the soldiers, and was not a Green Beret, over six foot in height, was he not picked up off his feet and set on his back by the angel of the Holy One of Israel, who is mightier than all of the armies of the earth? I say, as that sargent of the Green Beret attempted to play a prank behind my back, the angel defended my honor, and that I might be free to declare the message of salvation, picked the man off his feet effortlessly, and thrust him upon the floor unhurt. And so I have seen and bear record that Joseph Smith was the Lord's annointed and I am he who should come to redeem Israel by power such as has not been seen since Enoch if the people will gather and receive counsel from the God who is speaking now through my mouth unto thee O Israel, for I am he who should come, even as spoken by Isaiah and Joseph Smith unto whom belongeth the kingdom by lineage and by right, having the sealing power committed unto me, I have been appointed at the gate for this generation as Peter, and all power on earth or in heaven hath it not also been given unto that One mighty and strong, O man, and none of this generation, who I testify to will pass by me for judgment hath it not been committed unto me, O man, and O woman, from before the foundation of the world, and have I not been sent as him of old unto the Jews, who is my brother, even Jesus surnamed the Christ? And did not the Jews reject him, and if ye make the same mistake as they, O Israel, it shall be to thy peril, for my God, the God who spoke out of the heavens to the Master-Sargent, who was cursing the Mormons to my face, as I opened my mouth to speak, did not a voice proceed forth which shook the ground upon which we three stood, and did not those brave men of the army of the United States not hear and see for themselves, and my God is mightier than any mere arm of flesh or any nuclear tipped weapon, for his power is it not mine to wield for thy salvation, O Israel, if ye will come unto me, even I, who art mighty and strong from before the foundation of the world, through him who strengtheneth me?
Again, I say that I am receiving revelation upon such topics as evolution, Adam-God, negro-priesthood, and many other deceptions practiced upon the ignorant Gentiles by the father of lies, exposing the fraud thereof to the whole world, and if the whole world disregard me in my message they will only sink themselves to endless woes and destruction, for did not the entire Roman world ignore not only Jesus, but the entire Jewish nation, even though "salvation cometh of the Jews" as salvation in this day until the Negro-priesthood revelation, did it not also come of the Latter-Day-Saints and has not the world also disregarded them as it so far has me to their peril, for their salvation hangeth upon the thread of the surge of life which beats within my breast to the glory of the Most High God? And is not my glory in the world to come greater for having endured the shame of the cross also? Therefor disregard not these things and turn not aside the just for a thing of naught as do the Gentile dogs, as Jesus would have said, which rough things which he spake offended his smooth contemporaries that they rid themselves of one so uncouth as to openly speak truth. And in 1979, did I not receive my first written revelation, the keys of the Priesthood given unto my by ordination, and the Lord gave me further instructions, and I was, as a testimony commanded to take two of them (written revelations) to that man who was given as my hometeacher, as they are called, my patiently being in the Church until that point, and my hometeacher in an enraged fury, tried to kill me for my impertinence at having claimed what was fact, nonetheless, despite his fury. And though my nose was broken, I did receive another revelation that very night stating that his servants had been treated in just this way in all ages of the world, and was not Jesus crucified by such rage as that manifested at that time. And thus through the spirit, I had seen Satan with his chains had blinded the minds of the Latter-Day-Saints, and they had become more estranged and hardened than the world which they were attempting to save. And is that man of sin, is he not revealed by these words also?[1]
I am including some of the Revelations which I have received for your perusal as was given unto the people of old by that One who spoke unto the prophets of Israel, even so hath he spoken in these last days unto that One mighty and strong whose feet, are they not beautiful upon the mountains, and who publisheth peace, and saith unto Zion thy God, doth he not yet reign[1]? Even so judge ye, for with what judgment ye judge, that shall ye also be judged, and I care not for this world having beheld his glory, and again I bear testimony that I am he who should come, and though I bear testimony of myself, yet there are ten-thousand who shall return in the day with Enoch, who are mightier than the earth who shall also bear record of me, for I have been visited by two, also. Even so. Amen.
1. 2 Thess. 2:3-11.
While journeying on foot about 10:00 P.M. in the east, being inducted into the armed forces the next day, being on the way to the bus station to travel to the armed forces induction station in Raleigh, N.C, I received the following vision, while on the road on foot:
See Isaiah 52.
The Revelations of Jesus Christ: http://www.iuniverse.com/bookstore/book_detail.asp?isbn=0-595-28287-3
- "But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are indebted to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God has spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Two 1834-37 Pg.60
- Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Six 1843-44 Pg.365
When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet. - Our website: http://www.artbulla.com
- "All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchizedek, which is after the order of the Son of God." Joseph Smith; TPJS p. 376
- "He that can mark the power of Omnipotence, inscribed upon the heavens, can also see God's own handwriting in the sacred volume: and he who reads it oftenest will like it best, and he who is acquainted with it, will know the hand wherever he can see it...." (T.P.J.S., p. 56)
· 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (New Testament | Galatians 1:10 - 12)
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