Friday, October 29, 2010

Rogue Churches

Listening to "Rogue Churches" hosted by Art Bulla on #BlogTalkRadio

Original Air Date: October 28, 2010

Rogue Churches

President of the Church is not the Lord's anointed (see D&C 132:7). Sealing power belongs to Kingdom of God which is a separate organization. Rogue Church crosses boundaries and has become an enemy to the Holy Order of God, fighting against Zion. Reading Francis Michael Darter's book, Zion's Redemption, and Keys of the Priesthood Illus. by Stephen L. Bishop, TPJS, and Journal of Discourses, and the Revelations of Jesus Christ: 132 And did not Utah, saith the Lord, desire to become a state like unto all other states, and for this cause ye did forsake my law, even that of Abraham, O ye Latter-Day-Saints, yea, even that which ye, O ye Gentiles call polygamy, even as Israel hath forsaken my statutes and my judgments in all ages of the world and have even gone whoring after strange gods? RJC, Section 2. "We sit here as judges, and suppose that
business which would prove injurious to this people should now be presented for them to decide upon, or suppose that the leaders of this people had forsaken the Lord and should introduce, through selfishness (Spencer Kimball, in the matter of negro priesthood), that which would militate against the kingdom of God on the earth, that which would in the issue actually destroy this people, how are you going to detect the wrong and know it from the right? You cannot do it, unless you have the Spirit of the Lord. Do the people enjoy that Spirit? Yes, many of them do. Do they enjoy it in as great a degree as it is their privilege? A few of them do, still I think that the people in general might enjoy more of the Holy Spirit, more of the nature and essence of the Deity, than they do. I know that they have their trials, I know they have the world to grapple with, and are tempted, and I know what they have to war against." Brigham Young; Journal of Discourses 3:, p.44-45 "...applied it to the present state of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall..." Joseph Smith

 President Joseph Smith read the 14th chapter of Ezekiel-said the Lord had declared by the Prophet, that the people should each one stand for himself, and depend on no man or men in that state of corruption of the Jewish church-that righteous persons could only deliver their own souls-applied it to the present state of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints-said if the people departed from the Lord, they must fall-that they were depending on the Prophet, hence were darkened in their minds, in consequence of neglecting the duties devolving upon themselves, envious towards the innocent, while they afflict the virtuous with their shafts of envy.   

   (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, selected and arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith, p.237)

129  For did I the Lord God not speak through the mouth of my servant as he known among men, Ezekial, that if the Prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the Lord have deceived that prophet, that I may take the House of Israel in their own heart, saith the Lord, because they are all estranged from me through their idols, in the which they do live, saith the Lord, de­lisciously with Babylon the Great, and seek even the praise and honor of the world?

130  And this is recorded in the 14th Chapter of the Book of Ezekial, the ninth verse.For did I the Lord God not also grant unto Israel, through Samuel, my ser­vant, who saw much affliction be­cause of the wickedness of the Children of Israel in his days, that they also should have a king like unto other nations, which wast the desires of their hearts?

131  And did this also not prove to be a snare and a curse unto them, for how oft was Israel led astray through the wicked­ness of her kings?

132  And did not Utah, saith the Lord, desire to become a state like unto all other states, and for this cause ye did forsake my law, even that of Abraham, O ye Lat­ter-Day-Saints, yea, even that which ye, O ye Gentiles call po­lygamy, even as Israel hath for­saken my statutes and my jud­g­ments in all ages of the world and have even gone whoring af­ter strange gods? The Revelations of Jesus Christ, Section 2.


 "We sit here as judges, and suppose that business which would prove injurious to this people should now be presented for them to decide upon, or suppose that the leaders of this people had forsaken the Lord and should introduce, through selfishness (Spencer Kimball, in the matter of negro priesthood), that which would militate against the kingdom of God on the earth, that which would in the issue actually destroy this people, how are you going to detect the wrong and know it from the right? You cannot do it, unless you have the Spirit of the Lord. Do the people enjoy that Spirit? Yes, many of them do. Do they enjoy it in as great a degree as it is their privilege? A few of them do, still I think that the people in general might enjoy more of the Holy Spirit, more of the nature and essence of the Deity, than they do. I know that they have their trials, I know they have the world to grapple with, and are tempted, and I know what they have to war against.  Brigham Young; Journal of Discourses, 26 vols., 3:, p.44-45


 1 ...and they did complain to Alma. And Alma laid the case before their king, Mosiah. And Mosiah consulted with his priests (as Lord's anointed, Alma was President of the Church, saith the Lord).

   (Mosiah  27:1)


·         10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (New Testament | Galatians 1:10 - 12)

Posted via email from The Redemption of Zion


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