Friday, October 15, 2010

Listening to "Born Bred and Involved Therein-The Effeminate Mind" hosted by Art Bulla on BlogTalkRadio

Original Air Date: October 14, 2010
Born Bred and Involved Therein-The Effeminate Mind

Roman Law dictated 8 husbands for one female. The law of God, eight females for one male. We have lost the original excellency and dignity of the masculine mine because of this inbreeding, causing an imbecility of mind, form whence arises sin. The Christian nations (matriarchal) with the Bible in their hands, could not have been the servants and slaves of sin, had not they possessed the effeminate mind like Eve (Adam was not deceived, saith the Lord). The law: 12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. 13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. (1 Tim 2:12-14) " For the private families are nunneries of mind: and the evils of a bad government here cannot be calculated. Many sons in their teens are roving about the land like the wild ass's colt, unbridled: these oft times become associates and partners, with pick-pockets, thieves and robbers. Many husbands, are induced by the unnatural and intolerable nature of female tyranny and usurpation, to even abandon their families to the mercy of a heartless world. Such unnatural crimes never did exist under the ancient law of God. All law or government of a woman over a man, except it be the law of kindness, is an usurpation of power destructive of the order, peace, and well being of society." Joseph, my Joseph. "Again: Rom. 7. 2. For a woman that hath a husband is bound by the law to her husband, as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. But in no place in the holy book do we read that a man is bound by the law of his wife, as long as his wife liveth. Such an idea and law would be, and is subversive of all righteous government; and it [113] disorganizes the whole system of truth. A man cannot be lawfully placed under the law of his wife, for he is the head." Joseph, my Joseph!



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