True from False Prophets
True from False Prophets by Art Bulla on #BlogTalkRadio - The Revelations of Jesus Christ
Original Air Date: September 09, 2010
True from False Prophets
SECTION 29. Received April, 1983. Revelation giving discernment of false from true prophets. Can a bitter fountain bring forth good water?
Y ea, thus saith the Lord, can a bitter fountain bring forth good water, or a can a man being evil, do that which is good?
2 For it is, saith the Lord, that by their fruits ye shall know them.
3 For the fruits of my spirit, saith the Lord, do they not testify of me, even Jesus Christ, whom ye have hitherto not known?
4 And that which testifieth of me, is it not by me, saith the Lord God of Israel?
5 For I am he that doth speak unto thee, through the medium of mine appointment as in times of old, O Israel, who have been scattered among the nations.
6 Now is the time, saith the Lord, for thy regathering unto mine anointed as in times of old that I the Lord God shall remember thee, O Israel, and lead thee by power such as has not been seen before or since, yea, even from Babylon with an outstretched arm as Moses, which is fallen.
7 Therefor that which is sent of me, doth not conflict and contradict my words and my purposes which I have spoken through the mouths of others of my servants the Prophets, even Brigham Young and others, concerning Israel, and anything which contradicteth these my servants who have gone before is of the devil and is false, though it be a Spencer Kimball, who is a false prophet, saith the Lord God of Israel.
8 Therefor that which is sent of me, saith the Lord, testifieth of me and my words and my purposes which change not, for I the Lord will not vary from that which I have said, but am the same in all ages of the world, and the plan of salvation hath it not been exactly the same, for that which saved Abraham, even the law thereof, must save ye, O ye stiffnecked and unbelieving generation, for are ye not also the same, in thy unbelief before me, O man, and O woman?
9 And it is that the evil one desireth through false administrators, to contradict former revelation which even angels of glory are forbidden, neither can they do, saith the Lord.
10 And anything which doth not teach men these things, even to believe in me and my words exactly as I have spoken them through the mouths of my servants, the Prophets of Israel, yea that which also doth not edify and thereby not testify of me, the life of the world, and the light thereof, even Jesus of Nazereth who speaketh unto thee, O man, is of that evil one and is darkness, and produceth despair.
11 And my word, is it not also quick and powerful, to the cutting asunder of both joints and marrow?
12 Therefor it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know of me, even the author and finisher of your faith, whom the world in its wickedness hath not known, even Jesus of Nazereth, and if ye call good evil and evil, good, ye are no better than them that cast me out, even as a thief and a robber and as a vagabond without a home, for did I not cause it to be written that foxes have holes and birds nests, but it was that the Son of Man had not where even to lay his head, even I the first-born and the most intelligent of all the spirits which were begotten by the Father thereof?
13 And thus it was a requirement that I, even I, Jesus the Christ, descend below all things, even that my people the Jews become my persecutors, that I might do the will of Him who sent me, who is greater than I, even the Father, that none might have excuse concerning the difficulty of the way at that great and last day.
14 Even so, I drank out of that bitter cup, and I did cry mightily unto Him who sent me that this cup might pass, even from me, yet I the Lord God bowed my head and suffered that His will who is mightier than I, Yea, even my Father, who revealed himself unto me in that day, that even His will should be done, even unto the shedding of my blood in great drops upon the ground upon which men stand to this day in Jerusalem, O Jerusalem that stonest the prophets!
15 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that stonest the prophets, how oft would I have gathered thee, O Jerusalem, my beloved from before the foundation of the world, as a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings, but ye would not!
16 And even now so it is with that One Mighty and Strong, who should come unto you, O Ephraim, for ye also, have ye not cast him also out from your dwellings, when it was that he dared when moved upon by my Spirit which he cannot restrain, cried repentance unto you, even as I and the Twelve who were with me, did, even unto the Jews?
17 And thus it is that blessed are you when all men revile against you and speak all manner of evil against you falsely for my name's sake, for in their wickedness, are they not cut even to the quick by words of righteousness which proceedeth forth from my mouthpiece, my servants who are the Prophets?
18 And thus are they provoked unto murder, for they even they, are they not children of hell, saith the Lord?
19 Therefore it is that Wo! Wo! be unto you when all men speak well of you.
20 For it is written that so did their fathers who were also children of hell, unto them who were false prophets.
21 And thus saith the Lord, this is a sure key that ye may detect that which is false; for if it be of me, saith the Lord, then it is that all the world in the wickedness thereof with hell, even at its back, will oppose a true messenger.
22 For earth and hell, shall they not praise a false messenger?
23 For they, even they, uphold the world and praise it also, Yea, saith the Lord, even the Kingdoms thereof, even Mystery, even that whore Babylon the Great which shall fall, and shall be ground, yea ground into powder in that day in the which more than twelve legions of the Sons of God, who are Warriors after mine Holy Order, even that of Melchizedec, shall they not burn the earth at that day, saith the Lord of Hosts?
24 And all flesh shall they not be as the grass of the field is before the thresher, saith the Lord?
25 And it is that it is given unto thee, O man and O woman to judge.
26 And it is that by what judgment ye judge, that shall ye also be judged.
27 For if the light of thine eye by which thou seest, be darkness, how great is that darkness, saith the Lord!
28 And thus are the weightier matters of the law judgment, mercy and faith, and this that ye may know good from evil.
29 For it was for this purpose that I the Father, fell that men might be, and men verily are that they might partake with me of the greatest of the gifts of God, even Eternal Life in my presence.
30 And how is this possible if you do not lay hold upon every good thing, saith the Lord?
31 And every Good Gift cometh from above.
32 And he gave some Apostles and some Prophets, of which number there standest one even now among you.
33 For my work, neither my word is yet finished, and neither shall it be until the end of the earth.
34 And these, are they not given, saith the Lord, for the work of the ministry, for the perfection of the Saints, for the edifying of the body of Christ, which is the Church thereof, saith the Lord, until we all come to the standard of the unity of the
faith, which is the measure by which all things which are true are measured, Yea, saith the Lord, even the measure of the fullness of the stature of the Lord's Only Begotten Son, whom ye, this generation, have now a witness standing among you, for it was in that day in which he, even my servant, saith the Father, did look and gazed and beheld, even our glory, for we did show ourselves unto him, in that day, in the which He, even He, who is mighty and also strong, even before the foundation of the world, did stand in our presence, saith the Father of both Heaven and earth.
35 For it was that we, even we did converse with him as one man converseth with another, yea, even in our own tongue which we speak did we call and beckon unto him, and he, even he, who now standest among you beheld and was filled with rapture such as the tongue of man cannot form, saith the Lord.
36 And he did see and hear unspeakable things which it is not given power to utter, and neither can they be uttered, for he beheld the things of God which the mind of man not quickened by my Spirit, saith the Lord, which power is greater in the power thereof than all the earth cannot comprehend in the greatness thereof.
37 And thus he was left unto himself after the vision thereof and the knowledge of things which he saw, are they not buried deep within his bosom that he cannot fathom in the natural man the things he both saw and heard, for wast he not transfigured before us, O man, that he could behold, even the things surrounding our glory?
38 And neither is given him power from us, O man, to express the things which he saw, for he saw us and did he not taste of power and might which maketh his bones to quake even now as we speak unto him in the might of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even Israel, O Israel, gather unto me, saith the Lord, and I the Lord God of Art Bulla, shall fill thy souls with that fire which the tongue of man cannot form in the might and glory
and honor and power thereof.
39 And these are gifts unto the church from me, for they are they which testify of me and my glory according to that testimony which I the Lord God have placed within them which testimony is as a burning and a consuming fire, which they the Prophets could not restrain.
40 And thus it was, that they, rather than quench that almighty fire burning within them which lit them which sit in darkness even now, that rather, I say than do these things, and crucify God afresh and put him to an open shame, went boldly among the children of men testifying of that vision which I the Lord God did place inside of them to the consuming of both joints and marrow.
41 Yea, in the might of the God of Israel, do they cry Repent O ye inhabitants of the earth, for the day of his judgment is come, bow down, O ye mountains, tremble, O ye hills, flow down at his presence, rejoice together ye tribes of the earth, make straight his paths, even the Holy One of Jacob, for He even He it is that reigneth in the heavens above and the earth beneath, and beside him there is no God.
42 O how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings of Good, that publisheth salvation, that saith unto Zion, thy God, O Jacob, reigneth!
43 And thus they were stoned, put to the sword, smitten, starved, cold, hungry, naked, afflicted, tormented, who wandered in the caves and dens of the earth, of whom the earth was not worthy, saith the Lord.
44 Therefor beware, O man, how thou holdest the oracles of God!
45 For the last, yea, even those of my servants the prophets who have descended below the calumny, the stares and the frown of bigots, and who are persecuted by the wicked of the children of men, shall they not be first, and the first, yea, them who are comfortable and happy and full of life and gaiety and pride and haughty looks and fine apparel, and houses and lands and gold and the praise of men, and women, shall they not be the last in that day, saith the Lord God of Art Bulla?
46 And this is the patience of the Saints, saith the Lord.
47 And thus it is that no man knoweth the things of God, save it be by the Spirit of the living God, even I, who it is that doth speak unto thee, O man, and O woman, through the medium of mine appointment, which is after the Order of Melchizedec, which is after the Order of Enoch, which is after mine Order, even that Son of the Most High, fabled even in heaven in might before the foundation of the world.
.48 Even so. Amen.
2 For it is, saith the Lord, that by their fruits ye shall know them.
3 For the fruits of my spirit, saith the Lord, do they not testify of me, even Jesus Christ, whom ye have hitherto not known?
4 And that which testifieth of me, is it not by me, saith the Lord God of Israel?
5 For I am he that doth speak unto thee, through the medium of mine appointment as in times of old, O Israel, who have been scattered among the nations.
6 Now is the time, saith the Lord, for thy regathering unto mine anointed as in times of old that I the Lord God shall remember thee, O Israel, and lead thee by power such as has not been seen before or since, yea, even from Babylon with an outstretched arm as Moses, which is fallen.
7 Therefor that which is sent of me, doth not conflict and contradict my words and my purposes which I have spoken through the mouths of others of my servants the Prophets, even Brigham Young and others, concerning Israel, and anything which contradicteth these my servants who have gone before is of the devil and is false, though it be a Spencer Kimball, who is a false prophet, saith the Lord God of Israel.
8 Therefor that which is sent of me, saith the Lord, testifieth of me and my words and my purposes which change not, for I the Lord will not vary from that which I have said, but am the same in all ages of the world, and the plan of salvation hath it not been exactly the same, for that which saved Abraham, even the law thereof, must save ye, O ye stiffnecked and unbelieving generation, for are ye not also the same, in thy unbelief before me, O man, and O woman?
9 And it is that the evil one desireth through false administrators, to contradict former revelation which even angels of glory are forbidden, neither can they do, saith the Lord.
10 And anything which doth not teach men these things, even to believe in me and my words exactly as I have spoken them through the mouths of my servants, the Prophets of Israel, yea that which also doth not edify and thereby not testify of me, the life of the world, and the light thereof, even Jesus of Nazereth who speaketh unto thee, O man, is of that evil one and is darkness, and produceth despair.
11 And my word, is it not also quick and powerful, to the cutting asunder of both joints and marrow?
12 Therefor it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know of me, even the author and finisher of your faith, whom the world in its wickedness hath not known, even Jesus of Nazereth, and if ye call good evil and evil, good, ye are no better than them that cast me out, even as a thief and a robber and as a vagabond without a home, for did I not cause it to be written that foxes have holes and birds nests, but it was that the Son of Man had not where even to lay his head, even I the first-born and the most intelligent of all the spirits which were begotten by the Father thereof?
13 And thus it was a requirement that I, even I, Jesus the Christ, descend below all things, even that my people the Jews become my persecutors, that I might do the will of Him who sent me, who is greater than I, even the Father, that none might have excuse concerning the difficulty of the way at that great and last day.
14 Even so, I drank out of that bitter cup, and I did cry mightily unto Him who sent me that this cup might pass, even from me, yet I the Lord God bowed my head and suffered that His will who is mightier than I, Yea, even my Father, who revealed himself unto me in that day, that even His will should be done, even unto the shedding of my blood in great drops upon the ground upon which men stand to this day in Jerusalem, O Jerusalem that stonest the prophets!
15 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that stonest the prophets, how oft would I have gathered thee, O Jerusalem, my beloved from before the foundation of the world, as a hen gathereth her chicks under her wings, but ye would not!
16 And even now so it is with that One Mighty and Strong, who should come unto you, O Ephraim, for ye also, have ye not cast him also out from your dwellings, when it was that he dared when moved upon by my Spirit which he cannot restrain, cried repentance unto you, even as I and the Twelve who were with me, did, even unto the Jews?
17 And thus it is that blessed are you when all men revile against you and speak all manner of evil against you falsely for my name's sake, for in their wickedness, are they not cut even to the quick by words of righteousness which proceedeth forth from my mouthpiece, my servants who are the Prophets?
18 And thus are they provoked unto murder, for they even they, are they not children of hell, saith the Lord?
19 Therefore it is that Wo! Wo! be unto you when all men speak well of you.
20 For it is written that so did their fathers who were also children of hell, unto them who were false prophets.
21 And thus saith the Lord, this is a sure key that ye may detect that which is false; for if it be of me, saith the Lord, then it is that all the world in the wickedness thereof with hell, even at its back, will oppose a true messenger.
22 For earth and hell, shall they not praise a false messenger?
23 For they, even they, uphold the world and praise it also, Yea, saith the Lord, even the Kingdoms thereof, even Mystery, even that whore Babylon the Great which shall fall, and shall be ground, yea ground into powder in that day in the which more than twelve legions of the Sons of God, who are Warriors after mine Holy Order, even that of Melchizedec, shall they not burn the earth at that day, saith the Lord of Hosts?
24 And all flesh shall they not be as the grass of the field is before the thresher, saith the Lord?
25 And it is that it is given unto thee, O man and O woman to judge.
26 And it is that by what judgment ye judge, that shall ye also be judged.
27 For if the light of thine eye by which thou seest, be darkness, how great is that darkness, saith the Lord!
28 And thus are the weightier matters of the law judgment, mercy and faith, and this that ye may know good from evil.
29 For it was for this purpose that I the Father, fell that men might be, and men verily are that they might partake with me of the greatest of the gifts of God, even Eternal Life in my presence.
30 And how is this possible if you do not lay hold upon every good thing, saith the Lord?
31 And every Good Gift cometh from above.
32 And he gave some Apostles and some Prophets, of which number there standest one even now among you.
33 For my work, neither my word is yet finished, and neither shall it be until the end of the earth.
34 And these, are they not given, saith the Lord, for the work of the ministry, for the perfection of the Saints, for the edifying of the body of Christ, which is the Church thereof, saith the Lord, until we all come to the standard of the unity of the
faith, which is the measure by which all things which are true are measured, Yea, saith the Lord, even the measure of the fullness of the stature of the Lord's Only Begotten Son, whom ye, this generation, have now a witness standing among you, for it was in that day in which he, even my servant, saith the Father, did look and gazed and beheld, even our glory, for we did show ourselves unto him, in that day, in the which He, even He, who is mighty and also strong, even before the foundation of the world, did stand in our presence, saith the Father of both Heaven and earth.
35 For it was that we, even we did converse with him as one man converseth with another, yea, even in our own tongue which we speak did we call and beckon unto him, and he, even he, who now standest among you beheld and was filled with rapture such as the tongue of man cannot form, saith the Lord.
36 And he did see and hear unspeakable things which it is not given power to utter, and neither can they be uttered, for he beheld the things of God which the mind of man not quickened by my Spirit, saith the Lord, which power is greater in the power thereof than all the earth cannot comprehend in the greatness thereof.
37 And thus he was left unto himself after the vision thereof and the knowledge of things which he saw, are they not buried deep within his bosom that he cannot fathom in the natural man the things he both saw and heard, for wast he not transfigured before us, O man, that he could behold, even the things surrounding our glory?
38 And neither is given him power from us, O man, to express the things which he saw, for he saw us and did he not taste of power and might which maketh his bones to quake even now as we speak unto him in the might of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even Israel, O Israel, gather unto me, saith the Lord, and I the Lord God of Art Bulla, shall fill thy souls with that fire which the tongue of man cannot form in the might and glory
and honor and power thereof.
39 And these are gifts unto the church from me, for they are they which testify of me and my glory according to that testimony which I the Lord God have placed within them which testimony is as a burning and a consuming fire, which they the Prophets could not restrain.
40 And thus it was, that they, rather than quench that almighty fire burning within them which lit them which sit in darkness even now, that rather, I say than do these things, and crucify God afresh and put him to an open shame, went boldly among the children of men testifying of that vision which I the Lord God did place inside of them to the consuming of both joints and marrow.
41 Yea, in the might of the God of Israel, do they cry Repent O ye inhabitants of the earth, for the day of his judgment is come, bow down, O ye mountains, tremble, O ye hills, flow down at his presence, rejoice together ye tribes of the earth, make straight his paths, even the Holy One of Jacob, for He even He it is that reigneth in the heavens above and the earth beneath, and beside him there is no God.
42 O how beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings of Good, that publisheth salvation, that saith unto Zion, thy God, O Jacob, reigneth!
43 And thus they were stoned, put to the sword, smitten, starved, cold, hungry, naked, afflicted, tormented, who wandered in the caves and dens of the earth, of whom the earth was not worthy, saith the Lord.
44 Therefor beware, O man, how thou holdest the oracles of God!
45 For the last, yea, even those of my servants the prophets who have descended below the calumny, the stares and the frown of bigots, and who are persecuted by the wicked of the children of men, shall they not be first, and the first, yea, them who are comfortable and happy and full of life and gaiety and pride and haughty looks and fine apparel, and houses and lands and gold and the praise of men, and women, shall they not be the last in that day, saith the Lord God of Art Bulla?
46 And this is the patience of the Saints, saith the Lord.
47 And thus it is that no man knoweth the things of God, save it be by the Spirit of the living God, even I, who it is that doth speak unto thee, O man, and O woman, through the medium of mine appointment, which is after the Order of Melchizedec, which is after the Order of Enoch, which is after mine Order, even that Son of the Most High, fabled even in heaven in might before the foundation of the world.
.48 Even so. Amen.
The Revelations of Jesus Christ:
- "But we ask, does it remain for a people who never had faith enough to call down one scrap of revelation from heaven, and for all they have now are indebted to the faith of another people...does it remain for them to say how much God has spoken and how much He has not spoken?" Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Two 1834-37 Pg.60
- Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Section Six 1843-44 Pg.365
When a man goes about prophesying, and commands men to obey his teachings, he must either be a true or false prophet. - Our website:
- "All men are liars who say they are of the true Church without the revelations of Jesus Christ and the Priesthood of Melchizedek, which is after the order of the Son of God." Joseph Smith; TPJS p. 376
- "He that can mark the power of Omnipotence, inscribed upon the heavens, can also see God's own handwriting in the sacred volume: and he who reads it oftenest will like it best, and he who is acquainted with it, will know the hand wherever he can see it...." (T.P.J.S., p. 56)
· 10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
11 But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man.
12 For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ. (New Testament | Galatians 1:10 - 12)
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